Function defintion and currying
Function definition
To define a function you need to declare a type for it with
functionName : ArgType -> ArgType2 -> ReturnType
And a function body underneath
functionName argOne argTwo = body
This will output following defintion:
curry function_name/2 @spec function_name(arg_type, arg_type2) :: return_type def function_name(arg_one, arg_two) do body end
Following rules apply:
A function will use
based onexposing
clause at the top of the module - The name of the function as well as its spec will always be snake_cased version of the camelCase name
curry function/arity
is a construct that makes the function redefined in a form that takes 0 arguments, and returns X times curried function (2 times in this example). Which means that from elixir our function can be called both as:function_name(arg_one, arg_two)
and it won't have any other effect - @spec clause will always resolve types provided, to a most readable and still understandable by the elixir compiler form
Curried definition
Because of the curried nature of Elm function definitions we can just make our function return functions
For example instead of writing
addTwo : Int -> Int addTwo a = 2 + a
We could just write
addTwo : Int -> Int addTwo = (+) 2
In which case Elchemy will recognise a curried return and still provide you with a 1 and 0 arity functions, not only the 0 one. And output of such a definition would look like:
curry add_two/1 @spec add_two(integer) :: integer def add_two(x1) do (&+/0).(2).(x1) end
Which basically means that Elchemy derives function arity from the type, rathar then function body